

What are passbacks?

Passback or default tags can be any network or remnant tags that you use to fill inventory. When ConnectAd and its Demand Partner doesn’t have anything to serve, you can send that impression back to your default advertiser’s tags to serve. This will allow you to monetize every impression, and greatly reduce the chance of serving blank ads. Passback tags allow you to implement a so-called waterfall model, which allows showing another banner in case the previous one has not been sold via network, RTB, SSP, or Exchange.

How do I setup passbacks?

Simply click on the Tag you work like the edit in your ConnectAd Dashboard and add your passback java-script into the "Fallback" array. You can virtually define any kind of Java-Script as your Default-Code.

Please keep in mind that it may take up to 60 minutes until your passback is active.


Passbacks and GDPR

You can use the following macros most commonly used with ad requests that are subject to GDPR:




Expands to the value of gdpr= associated with the request


Expands to the Transparency & Consent (TC) string associated with the request. Replace XXXX with the destination IAB Vendor ID

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Support-Team.