
Getting started with Header-Bidding
ConnectAd offers an automated, robust, and highly compatible header-bidding based on . It is designed to run pre-bid auctions to create be...
Part 1: Enable Header-Bidding
The required ConnectAd Config can be found right in the ConnectAd Dashboard. Inventory Management -> Website Management To enable Header-Bidding for t...
Part 2: Technical Implementation
The easiest way to get started with Header-Bidding is to use the following example. <script async src="//"></sc...
Part 3: AdOps Setup (DFP)
We recommend to start with a easy setup to ensure a quick development. You can add more Line-Items and price granularity late on. Create the following...
Part 4: Testing and go live
Your setup is almost completed and ready to generate revenues, lift your CPM and maximize your fillrates. To ensure the best possible setup on both en...
No. ConnectAd uses a lightweight script, loaded asynchronous, which will not impact page load performance. Furthermore, you can customize your timeout...
PreBid Server
ConnectAd supports the integration via PreBid Server. Please follow the PreBid Instructions and make sure to contact your ConnectAd Account Manage bef...
User Matching
Please make sure that you activate the PreBid GDPR-Module (in case you are serving European traffic), the CMP-Module, and a properly configured user-m...